Jacques Tati
Monsieur Hulot
Barbara Dennek
Young Tourist
Rita Maiden
Mr. Schultz's Companion
France Rumilly
Woman Selling Eyeglasses
France Delahalle
Shopper in Department Store
Valérie Camille
Mr. Lacs's Secretary
Erika Dentzler
Mme. Giffard
Nicole Ray
Yvette Ducreux
Hat Check Girl
Nathalie Jem
Jacqueline Lecomte
Young Tourist's Friend
Olivia Poli
Alice Field
Sophie Wennek
Evy Cavallaro
Laure Paillette
Lamp Woman #1
Colette Proust
Lamp Woman #2
Luce Bonifassy
Ketty France
Eliane Firmin-Didot
Billy Kearns
Mr. Schulz, the American businessman
Tony Andal
Tony, Restaurant's Doorman
Yves Barsacq
Hulot's Friend
André Fouché
Restaurant Manager
Georges Montant
Mr. Giffard
Georges Faye
John Abbey
Mr. Lacs
Reinhard Kolldehoff
German Businessman (as Reinhart Kolldehoff)
Michel Francini
1st Maitre D'
Grégoire Katz
German Salesman
Jack Gauthier
The Guide
Henri Piccoli
An Important Gentleman
Léon Doyen
Old Doorman
Douglas Read
François Viaur
Bob Harley
Jacques Chauveau
Gilbert Reeb
Marc Monjou
False Hulot with beard
Billy Bourbon
来到巴黎办事的于勒先生(雅克·塔蒂 Jacques Tati饰)初入巴黎就被超级现代化的世界博览会大楼所震惊。于勒先生很快就迷失在这座叹为观止的高科技大楼中,精妙绝伦的最新先进设备、流光溢彩的博览会景观以及来自世界各地的游客和顾客,都让于勒先生大开眼界。当于勒先生终于想起要去找办事的人时,天已渐黑。谈完公事,于勒先生来到了刚刚装修好的夜总会。午夜魅影,恍如白昼,里面的男男女女兴致正高。自然,于勒先生也加入了他们的狂欢队伍。于勒先生更一时兴起,把刚刚装修好的屋顶装饰弄了下来,屋内一片狼藉。怎知客人们非但没有觉得扫兴,反而玩得更加疯狂。旦夕之间已是清晨,狂欢一夜后的巴黎别有一番韵味。 由法国著名喜剧导演雅克·塔蒂自编自导自演的喜剧影片《玩乐时间》,用一种接近单色的色调和70毫米的巨大画卷,将钢筋玻璃世界的冷酷转化成格格不入的超现实影像。本片几乎没有对白,但巧妙的运用了音效,加上演员肢体动作的表现,有着较为浓厚的早期默片风格。
Movietor 2023.